Thursday, February 09, 2006

Rant of the Day . . .

Need a WC, might cost you? First of all you might be wondering why you would want a WC in the first place, and what in the world is a WC? Well, if you are anything like me you had to have somebody inform you of the WC, and how it is such a commodity here. Come to find out, the WC is not only a commodity here, but it is also in several other European countries! In suspense? What is WC . . . it is Water Closet. Yeah, I was a little confused since those are English words; I’ll have to find out why exactly Finns started to call it a Water Closet when they normally change all foreign words in to Finnish ones (e.g. computer = tietokone). But I digress, back to the commodity of the Water Closet. Thankfully, in the university the WC’s are free. Now, you might ask, why would they be anything other than free? Huh, I thought the same. My friends informed me several weeks ago that to use the public bathrooms here you must pay anywhere from 1 to 2 euros!!!! I was disgusted!! Well, maybe not disgusted, more so stunned. It wasn’t that I did not believe them, but I was skeptical seeing as how I didn’t have to pay in the airport. Having to pay to use the bathroom? That’s just weird.

Also, sometimes the bathrooms even have attendants that collect the money!! I haven’t experienced that yet, but my poor friend has. She was so desperate to use the bathroom, and didn’t have any cash on her, that she used her VISA Check Card to pay the 1 euro. So, the attendant took her VISA Check Card to pay the 1 euro! Well, I finally came into contact with the bathroom where you had to pay to do your business. You would think that these 1 to 2 euro bathrooms would have marble slabs for sinks, mosaic flooring, and so clean that you could lick the floor. Just kidding! Not so much there sweetie . . . graffiti everywhere, I wouldn’t even want to drop anything on the floor, let alone lick it! I didn’t take a picture of the inside bathroom (thought it might some how be invasive). However, I did take a picture of the outside so you all could see what I mean. Crazy, Crazy. For all of you who have small bladders, tough luck, bring your own cup with you or find a bush.


At 2:14 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, i experienced that same phenomenom when I was in europe. The one i saw had those click bars that you walk through, like at an amusment park, and you were supposed to put your money in before it would let you pass. I just jumped over them though and got out real quck. i can't imagine paying to pee... anyways



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